How to Repair a Dog-Damaged Lawn

We love our dogs, but it probably isn’t realistic to expect a perfectly manicured lawn if you’ve got a dog or two running around. However, you can take steps to mitigate some of the more noticeable lawn damage inflicted by our canine pals, including digging and urine spots.
Tips on Repairing Dog Damage
Digging is a difficult problem because digging is a natural behavior for many breeds. The following tips may help.
- Set aside a spot in a corner of your lawn where digging is allowed, then train your dog to use that spot when he gets the urge. Putting toys and treats in that area may entice your dog.
- In the meantime, patch damaged spots. Fill the holes with soil so the spots are level with your lawn, then scatter lawn seed over the bare spot. Step on the area to press the seed into the soil and water lightly, using a garden hose with a spray nozzle.
- Continue to water the newly patched area frequently until the grass is about 7.5 cm tall. Of course, you’ll need to keep your dog off the area until the grass is well established.
Fixing Urine Spots
Dog urine contains nitrogen compounds that can burn grass, creating unsightly yellow (or dead) spots in your lawn.
Much like the digging problem described above, it’s good to designate a few “legal” areas and teach your dog to potty in those spots. To prevent or fix burned areas, try the following:
- If you catch your dog in the act, spray the spot with water as soon as possible to dilute the urine and wash it into the soil.
- Bare spots burned by dog urine can be reseeded. Rake out dead grass, then cover the spot with weed-free topsoil. Sprinkle grass seed over the prepared spot.
- Water the newly patched spot gently. Continue to water frequently for a few weeks, or until the new grass is well established.