IRON+ Premium Grass Seed Sun & Shade

IRON+ Premium Grass Seed Sun & Shade

C-I-L® IRON+ Premium Sun & Shade Grass Seed gives fast, effective results in both sunny and shady areas. Perfect for seeding new lawns, overseeding or repairing bald spots. Innovative IRON+™ technology delivers iron to your lawn to help create a greener, thicker lawn. SURESTART® XTREME technology delivers nutrients that promote early seedling growth and better establishment.

* Product available exclusively in Home Hardware stores.

  • Information
  • How to use
  • Tips
  • Safety
  • Application Rate
  • Specs


1.4 kg (3 lb)


3 230 sq. ft.

How to use

How to use

New lawn seeding or repairing bald spots

  1. Loosen the soil bed to a depth of 7 cm (3 in). Rake and remove debris and rocks. Cover with C-I-L® Enriched Lawn Soil for a nutrient-rich planting medium.
  2. Apply evenly to the prepared area with a spreader or by hand.
  3. Lightly rake and tamp to make sure the seed has contact with the soil.
  4. Lightly water daily to keep the seed moist until established.


  1. Mow your lawn on a low setting.
  2. Loosen surface soil using a rake to clear debris and dead grass.
  3. Top with C-I-L® Enriched Lawn Soil for a nutrient-rich planting medium.
  4. Apply following above instructions.

When to apply

Apply in mid-spring when soil temperatures warm up or mid-August to late September. Optimal germination occurs between 10 °C and 25 °C. Cool spring weather and freezing temperatures will delay germination and growth.



  • Mow new grass when it reaches 7 cm (3 in) high, not before.
  • Apply C-I-L® Lawn Fertilizer 6 to 8 weeks after new grass emerges to continually nourish and protect your lawn.
  • Do not apply weed treatment until after the third mowing to protect the new grass plants.


Keep out of the reach of children and pets. 


  • Keep well-sealed.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.
Application Rate

Application rate

Application rate Table CIL GS Premium Grass Seed Sun and Shade Iron +


Safety data sheet


Guaranteed minimum analysis

Nitrogen (N): 0.04%
Available phosphate (P2O5): 0.25%
Iron (Fe) (actual): 0.10%
Manganese (Mn) (actual): 0.05%
Zinc (Zn) (actual): 0.20%

This product contains manganese and zinc and should be used only as recommended. It may prove harmful when misused.


98.75% seed (Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass and Intermediate Ryegrass). 


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