10 Landscaping Tips to Make Your Yard Look Amazing

An amazing yard doesn’t require hours of backbreaking work, and it doesn’t need to break the bank. Here are several simple ideas that will make a huge difference in the appearance of your yard.
1. Edging adds definition and gives your yard a neat, finished appearance. Edge around flower beds and along fences, driveways, and sidewalks. You may want to take it one step further with a rock or stone edging. Remember that curved edges look more natural than hard, straight edges.
2. Bark chips or other natural cedar mulch is a quick, inexpensive way to add beauty to the landscape. Pull weeds first, then spread mulch in flower beds and around shrubs and trees. Replenish the mulch as it decomposes or blows away.
3. Create paths in well-trod areas in your yard, such as between the door and play area or garage. Paths may be created from a variety of materials, including crushed rock, railroad ties, or stepping stones.
4. Inexpensive solar lights provide charm and illuminate paths and walkways. Place lights strategically around trees, shrubs and flowers. Use the lights to show off birdbaths or other water features.
5. A variety of plants that bloom at different times create beauty and interest throughout the growing season. Include a few evergreen trees or shrubs to provide color during the winter months.
6. Install a water feature, which may be as simple and inexpensive as a birdbath or self-contained waterfall in a flower bed or tucked away on a patio. If space and budget allow, create a small pond surrounded with ferns, hostas and other perennials.
7. Hide unsightly garbage cans, air conditioners, and compost bins behind a simple wooden or lattice frame or screen.
8. Similarly, don’t let your garden hose become a tangled, ugly mess. Hang the hose on a decorative hose holder or wall bracket or stow it in a large pot or galvanized wash tub.
9. Update your deck or patio with a small outdoor table and comfortable benches or chairs. Fill a container with or hanging basket with colorful blooming plants. Keep the area clean and free of debris.
10. Clean and brighten the outside of your house. A garden hose with a spray nozzle removes mud, dust and cobwebs. A power washer will simplify the job but be sure to use a nozzle that won’t damage the siding.